Phempel subscribers 0 followers 0 Your Subscription Phempel - Change Subscription Videos About Activity Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Subscribers Subscriptions 445 days ago14:28 Phempel has liked a video Let's Bee Clear, Honey - At Home with Gene Ho, Episode 7 Let's bee diligent and talk about the good life. Is the big city where it's at? Maybe this world has it all wrong. It's all about the bees and the honey and the milk and the cows. Do you see what we're saying here? It's not that living in the city is bad, but on the other hand, living off the land isn't bad eit... 445 days ago14:01 Phempel has liked a video Moo Out of the Way, We're Taking a Test - At Home with Gene Ho... In this episode of At Home with Gene Ho, Gene shows you how he, his wife, Nadean and their children test their cow to see if she's pregnant. There's always talk of politics and also, some Godly wisdom. See what's happening on the HOMESTEAD. You're gonna love it! Hold on to your saddles. We're going to the farm