TrulyBlessedFG subscribers 0 followers 0 Your Subscription TrulyBlessedFG - Change Subscription Videos About Activity Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Subscribers Subscriptions 544 days ago21:16 TrulyBlessedFG has commented on The George Podcast Ep. 1 @Dom47: Agree but this movie isn't waking up anyone... It's solely a for profit film. Why didn't they portray an actual true story? Why did Tim make up his dogtag brother/sister story? Why did he lie? :pensive: 544 days ago21:13 TrulyBlessedFG has commented on The George Podcast Ep. 1 @Laura: it's not a true story... sadly, Tim's story is a lie... None of his story is true :pensive: The movie was funded by child traffickers (Carlos Slim family, etc...). I believe that Tim is really a bad bad person playing with the hearts of good Godly people :pensive: