franz subscribers 0 followers 0 Your Subscription franz - Change Subscription Videos About Activity Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Subscribers Subscriptions 395 days ago18:01 franz has liked a video World Series and Carl Sagan - Not Just Politics as Usual, Episode 6 In this episode, Rachel talks with Matt and Andrew about their visit to the World Series, as well as the latest George Collection video about Carl Sagan and his predictions for the world we're living now. 395 days ago17:47 franz has commented on Speak to My Soul - At Home with Gene Ho, Episod... @CoastRider92651: roger that! lol 395 days ago17:47 franz has commented on Speak to My Soul - At Home with Gene Ho, Episod... Sync'd right up! 395 days ago17:46 franz has liked a video Speak to My Soul - At Home with Gene Ho, Episode 11 In Episode 11, At Home, Gene tells an amazing story that is truly incredible. It seems pretty clear that God is speaking to Gene and his family through their homestead. He gets to the meat and potatoes of peace. From Pastor Bob at the pulpit to Gene Ho in his own backyard, the message is clear. He's gathering His own to Himself and we&#... 395 days ago17:26 franz has liked a video Secret Service Trump Train Bus Tornado and that One Duck - At Home ... In this episode At Home we learn about Gene's experience with a tornado, close call. You also get to hear about some of his time with the Trump family. Also, hear a cool lesson about ducks and then, there's the one left standing. You always get to see something new at the farm. You don't wanna miss this show, At Home! 395 days ago14:27 franz has commented on Matt with William Jackson | The Boomerang Podca... My favorite treatment of the Book of Enoch is this one: 395 days ago14:26 franz has commented on Matt with William Jackson | The Boomerang Podca... Nice to see Juan's MAGAdor up there, gents! 395 days ago14:25 franz has commented on Matt with William Jackson | The Boomerang Podca... Nice job breaking the CCP narrative. This country has been whipping up bogeymen for so long, it's a nightmare. Let's end it. The enemy is within and they all GOT CAUGHT!