Saskia8564livenl subscribers 0 followers 0 Your Subscription Saskia8564livenl - Change Subscription Videos About Activity Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Subscribers Subscriptions 397 days ago16:56 Saskia8564livenl has commented on The George Podcast Ep 33: Immigration Border Ba... With the new NESARA / GESARA one can only get a social benefit or a new rental appartement in the country of origin. Where you are born 516 days ago19:06 Saskia8564livenl has liked a video The George Podcast EP. 7 - So Covid is Back?!? Issue 11 available now! Subscribe today at and receive a 10% discount. In this episode, we discuss COVID-19, vaccines, Joe Biggs got 17 years in prison, and bringing the right together. Join us as we dive deep into these topics on another great episode of The George Podcast! 516 days ago18:54 Saskia8564livenl has commented on The George Podcast EP. 7 - So Covid is Back?!? dr Fauci made a syntatic version of the 2 most toxic snake venon and release this in the water ect