JoycetheVoice subscribers 0 followers 0 Your Subscription JoycetheVoice - Change Subscription Videos About Activity Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Subscribers Subscriptions 200 days ago17:32 JoycetheVoice has liked a video The Breath of Life | At Home with Gene Ho, Episode 34 A Breech Birth Kitten and Prayer 207 days ago01:13 JoycetheVoice has liked a video RAPID RESPONSE Special - Biden, Trump, and the Supreme Court | Dave... President Biden NOW holds that immunity! What in the world just happened at the Supreme Court? 291 days ago00:42 JoycetheVoice has liked a video Gettin Your Ducks in a Row - At Home with Gene Ho, Episode 5 In this episode Gene investigates a key to success in the world. You have one job! If you do your one job then you are getting set up to succeed. Find out what your job is and find out the spiritual side of things. Happy is the man when the master returns and finds that man doing the one thing he has been given to do. And what's up wit... 291 days ago00:25 JoycetheVoice has liked a video Quacky Eclipse | At Home with Gene Ho, Episode 27 What the DUCKS have in common with the ECLIPSE 394 days ago00:25 JoycetheVoice has liked a video Praise and Worship Moment - Music in America with Matt Joyce, Episo... Join in on a little sing along unto the Lord. We're taking ya to church. Time to meet the Lord. 412 days ago23:57 JoycetheVoice has commented on Not Just Politics as Usual, episode 11 - Seth R... I am suspicious about Seth's murder, meaning his death, as the accounts of what happened at the scene and at the hospital are circumspect, that he may be in witness protection. His parents seemed saddened but not in deep grief and the Democrat party didn't really demonstrate grief, either. 412 days ago23:55 JoycetheVoice has commented on Not Just Politics as Usual, episode 11 - Seth R... Pizzagate has been around a long while, in our faces, from long before we knew what it was. 412 days ago23:31 JoycetheVoice has liked a video Not Just Politics as Usual, episode 11 - Seth Rich Laptop Back in t... Rachel, Matt, and Andrew discuss the Seth Rich laptop and the George Political Book of Lists and the latest poll on the George Magazine website. 412 days ago23:30 JoycetheVoice has liked a video The George Podcast - Where are We??? Dave, Gene, and Rachel will be back with a brand new super-informative episode on 12/19/2023. Gene, meanwhile is with the Trumps at the Re-Awaken Tour in California 425 days ago04:35 JoycetheVoice has commented on QAnon Shaman, Jacob Chansley - The Boomerang Po... Well, good news is, JFK Jr. IS ALIVE :) IDC about our planet being a flat earth or a globe; silly to argue over it. Tell me there is something in Antartica that the powers that be want to hide, I do believe that and would have no idea what (maybe a huge hole to a firey core of the earth where the pit of hell is?! lol. IDK?)